In 1994, our company entered into the business of Graphic Desiging. Being successful in graphic desiging and the growing demand for graphic printing, Our Promoters decided to expand its current business in 1996 through the forward intergration strategy, i.e., it started its own printing business. Our Promoters added the printers having the lastest technology that helped our company in offering multi-colour offset printing services, single colour offset printing services, commercial printing services for calendars, catalogs, brochures, posters, annual reports manuals, etc. Backed by a team of qualified and skilled professionals and lastest printing technology, our company has obtained a long list of reputed clientele.
Over the years, as digital printing was preferred over offset printing, our company also decided to enter into the trading business of general mercantile. Our company traded in different general goods & variety of products as per season like pulses, garments and metals etc and other such profitable product segments. Currently, our company's trading activities are focused only in Gujarat. However, we intend to cater to the increasing demands of our existing customers and also to increase our customer base by enhancing the distribution reach of our products in different parts of the country. Our Company is in the process of building a quality and innovation focused trading vertical as well as developing a strong team to cater to its proposed increased operational needs in the printing and trading business.
Over the last 2-3 years, our promoters have a developed a focused and bigger vision in the real estate sector. In order to execute the same, the promoters have decided to diversify its business actitivies in the real estate sector. With this mission in their mind, the promoter have made the necessary changes in the Company`s MoA wherein our 70% company`s revenues from now on shall be earned through its real estate business and the remaining from its ancillary business.
Our real estate business shall include development and sale of land, residential properties including identification and acquisition of land, development of land & infrastructure, acquisition of development rights of projects, marketing of projects/land. Currently, our company has entered in to a land development agreement for Land Development and Plotting Project at Village Zamp, Taluka Sanand, District Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We are in the process of land development and plotting of the above land admeasuring approximately 7.34 hectares. We will be doing the levelling and land filling work and will also do plotting and boundary work to sell these plots in different sizes as per the customer requirements.